Daggett School District

School Board

top view of people sitting around a table

Meet the Board

Conflict of Interest Statements

Conflict of Interest Statements

peaple sitting around a table with a clock behind them

Board Meeting Minutes

book that says policies

Board Policies

blocks with the letters u s b a on them

Utah School board Association

The public is invited to make verbal or written comments to the local school board on topics which are germane to the Board’s authority. Patrons who wish to verbally address the Board must email a request to the Board President Chelsy Lail at clail@dsdf.org or Superintendent Bruce Northcott at bnorthcott@dsdf.org at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Verbal comments at the meeting shall be received from members of the public who sign up prior to the time for public comment and will be taken in the order that individuals sign up. Each individual will be allowed up to 3 minutes to provide comments to the Board.

Written comments can be submitted by sending them through email to the Superintendent before the meeting or by hand delivering them to District staff members at the meeting. Written comments will not be read at the meeting but will be provided to the members of the Board and will be included in the meeting minutes.

The public comment period is to allow members of the public to provide input to the Board in its capacity as a legislative body. The public comment period is not a forum for discussion or debate between the Board and members of the public. It is not the forum for discussion or complaint about a specific employee by name. The Board does not engage in discussion during public comments, but may later follow up on comments made during public comment.